
International waterplants contest

Andreas Protopapas votes

Hardy Waterlilies

Flower shape HD01 7
Flower color HD01 6
Flower quantity HD01 6
Lenght of flowering season HD01 7
Leaves quantity HD01 7
Leaves color HD01 5
Leaves size HD01 6
Overall HD01 8
Comments HD01 Beautiful multipetal light pink with global shape. It resembles N. Manickam but with a lower number of Petals. Of average flower number.
Flower shape HD02 5
Flower color HD02 7
Flower quantity HD02 8
Lenght of flowering season HD02 6
Leaves quantity HD02 7
Leaves color HD02 5
Leaves size HD02 7
Overall HD02 6
Comments HD02 An orange coloured hybrid with a large flower number which is its advantage. Variegated Leaf pattern  in the early growing period which later disappears as the leaves become less variegated. 
Flower shape HD03 4
Flower color HD03 7
Flower quantity HD03 7
Lenght of flowering season HD03 6
Leaves quantity HD03 6
Leaves color HD03 5
Leaves size HD03 6
Overall HD03 6
Comments HD03 A light star shaped pink flower with a faint yellow flash in the middle of the flower. Quite a unique colour Petals (White, Pink and light yellow) . Of average flower numbers.
Flower shape HD04 5
Flower color HD04 8
Flower quantity HD04 6
Lenght of flowering season HD04 5
Leaves quantity HD04 7
Leaves color HD04 5
Leaves size HD04 7
Overall HD04 6
Comments HD04 A deep red with medium number of Petals. Similar to existing deep reds like Perrys Black Princess or Perrys Almost Black. 
Flower shape HD05 6
Flower color HD05 7
Flower quantity HD05 7
Lenght of flowering season HD05 5
Leaves quantity HD05 6
Leaves color HD05 6
Leaves size HD05 7
Overall HD05 8
Comments HD05 A double yellow with a globular shape but with lower Petal numbers than Nymphaea ‘Puttaraksa‘. Average size flower numbers. 
Flower shape HD06 4
Flower color HD06 5
Flower quantity HD06 5
Lenght of flowering season HD06 4
Leaves quantity HD06 6
Leaves color HD06 5
Leaves size HD06 5
Overall HD06 5
Comments HD06 A semi double Pink. There are a lot of Pinks of similar shape and colour.
Flower shape HD07 6
Flower color HD07 5
Flower quantity HD07 6
Lenght of flowering season HD07 5
Leaves quantity HD07 6
Leaves color HD07 5
Leaves size HD07 6
Overall HD07 6
Comments HD07 Beautiful multipedal light Pink with a large number of Petals. It resembles N. Manickam Of average flower number.
Flower shape HD08 5
Flower color HD08 7
Flower quantity HD08 8
Lenght of flowering season HD08 6
Leaves quantity HD08 7
Leaves color HD08 6
Leaves size HD08 5
Overall HD08 7
Comments HD08 A variegated Pink white that is similar to N. Pattern Ruby however in Pink rather than red. The Leaf is sometimes variegated but less than N. Arc-en-ciel variegation. It produces a  large flower number which is its advantage.
Flower shape HD09 7
Flower color HD09 7
Flower quantity HD09 6
Lenght of flowering season HD09 5
Leaves quantity HD09 7
Leaves color HD09 5
Leaves size HD09 7
Overall HD09 7
Comments HD09 A semi double deep red tapering with white flash towards the tips of the Petals. Of average flower number.
Flower shape HD10 5
Flower color HD10 6
Flower quantity HD10 6
Lenght of flowering season HD10 5
Leaves quantity HD10 6
Leaves color HD10 6
Leaves size HD10 6
Overall HD10 6
Comments HD10 A pink variety with a white flash with variegated leaves which probable has some Mexicana in its parents at some stage of the Hybridization.
Flower shape HD11 8
Flower color HD11 8
Flower quantity HD11 6
Lenght of flowering season HD11 6
Leaves quantity HD11 6
Leaves color HD11 6
Leaves size HD11 6
Overall HD11 9
Comments HD11 A star shaped light pink with a large number of Petals. It also has a yellow flash on the inner Petals. Quite a unique shape and colour with variegated leaved indicating a Mexicana parentage.  

ISG Hardy Waterlilies

Flower shape ISG01 8
Flower color ISG01 7
Flower quantity ISG01 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG01 5
Leaves quantity ISG01 6
Leaves color ISG01 5
Leaves size ISG01 7
Overall ISG01 8
Comments ISG01 A light white/violet with a large number of Petals. Quite a unique globular flower shape with pointed Petals.
Flower shape ISG02 6
Flower color ISG02 7
Flower quantity ISG02 7
Lenght of flowering season ISG02 5
Leaves quantity ISG02 6
Leaves color ISG02 6
Leaves size ISG02 7
Overall ISG02 7
Comments ISG02 A violet flower very vigorous and with a large number of flowers. Variegated leaves.
Flower shape ISG03 4
Flower color ISG03 4
Flower quantity ISG03 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG03 5
Leaves quantity ISG03 6
Leaves color ISG03 6
Leaves size ISG03 6
Overall ISG03 6
Comments ISG03 A pink flower from an ISG hybrid. This is a very common colour that comes from a lot of ISG crosses

Flower shape ISG04 4
Flower color ISG04 5
Flower quantity ISG04 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG04 6
Leaves quantity ISG04 6
Leaves color ISG04 5
Leaves size ISG04 5
Overall ISG04 6
Comments ISG04 A  Pinkish flower with a large number of flower productions. Normal Leaf size
Flower shape ISG05 6
Flower color ISG05 6
Flower quantity ISG05 4
Lenght of flowering season ISG05 5
Leaves quantity ISG05 6
Leaves color ISG05 5
Leaves size ISG05 5
Overall ISG05 6
Comments ISG05 A light violet/white flower with a white flash. Nice cup shaped flower. It does not seem to produce a large number of flowers.
Flower shape ISG06 6
Flower color ISG06 5
Flower quantity ISG06 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG06 7
Leaves quantity ISG06 6
Leaves color ISG06 6
Leaves size ISG06 6
Overall ISG06 6
Comments ISG06 A light violet/pinkish flower with a white flash .Beautiful variegated Leaves. Quite a flower producer.
Flower shape ISG07 8
Flower color ISG07 8
Flower quantity ISG07 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG07 6
Leaves quantity ISG07 6
Leaves color ISG07 5
Leaves size ISG07 6
Overall ISG07 8
Comments ISG07 A deep violet flower similar to N. Purple Fantacy and N. Dark Valia. Quite a compact spread with average flower production.
Flower shape ISG08 7
Flower color ISG08 8
Flower quantity ISG08 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG08 7
Leaves quantity ISG08 6
Leaves color ISG08 5
Leaves size ISG08 5
Overall ISG08 8
Comments ISG08 Light Violet with a unique flat opening when looking at it from the side. Long filaments compared to petal length. Does not have a large number of Petals. Above average flower production
Flower shape ISG09 6
Flower color ISG09 6
Flower quantity ISG09 6
Lenght of flowering season ISG09 5
Leaves quantity ISG09 6
Leaves color ISG09 5
Leaves size ISG09 5
Overall ISG09 5
Comments ISG09 Pink ISG with average flower production. Does not have a large number of Petals and of average flower production. Does not offer any special advantages over existing Pink flowers.

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